Monday, February 9, 2009
First of all..
I wanna 2 congratz Aida of having her wish come true...
CONGRATULATION AIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope eu will be happy alwayz n forever.... =)
Yeah!!!I love to see the smiles on my sygz faces...
It will at least cheer me up a little bit...
Even though im having a very the hard tyme smiling fer the past few weekz...
May be laughing,jokes around,being crazy and more...
Bt 1 thing straight,
im juz acting like in a film
soo eu will never see the truth....
Been spending tyme wif Aida at Bedok Reservoir Park(BRP)
There is where the tears,happyness,crazyness,laughter and sadness will begin...
Oh boy...
When can we be alone??I miss eu soo much...
Velentine is almost here...
i was hoping 2 go out with eu on dat day boy...
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:35:00 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Today cross country was tiring....
My god...I got num 36 sia....
Sooo the lembab sak safiah!!!
After running,Aida,Mark,Hidayah n i wen 2 platform at bedok reservoir...
Having fun all day long till hungry...
den we mkn at mac....
after dat,teman mark go take his specs at Tampines n den go our separate wayz...
the day b4 the cross country which is on friday 060209...
I have NPCC kn...bsk nk lari beh hari ade training...
i stand 4 2 long till i got myself a leg cramp...
padan muke kau safiah!!!
After NP change 2 home clothes
N stay for a while longer with Aida nn Mark(z) to play basketball...
den we off 2 east point to buy drinks...
After somtime, Aida n i wen 2 bedok reservoir 2 relax2...
Den we went our separate wayzz....
I hope tomorrow will also be the best day ever!!!!!
Labels: Today, Yeterday n Tomorrow
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:39:00 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Each tyme i saw u...i felt lyke my heart was shot by an arrow...
my god...Soo damn hurt la sey....A sudden tear roll down my face...
Its hard 2 control my sadness wen u were ryte in front of me lyke ntg happen....Haizz... :(
Sowie sygzz...
I noe i make promises 2 u
dat i won cry anymore...
bt it hard...
so sowie...
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:11:00 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

To my sygzz...
Im sooo very the sowie if im not wif eu galzz this few weekz.... i have reasonz fer that... bt plzz im begging eu not 2 ask me why,what,how and so on.... coz ill ignore the questionz if eu ask me... Give me tyme 2 free my mind... i promiz if im ok wif d situation im having ryte now... ill be hanging out wif eu galz once again... trust me aite.... All i wan is 2 b cheerful,jokes around n be crazy lyke alwayz... I juz don wanna be moody n show my worst attitude at eu galzz... i hope u understand...Thx a lot fer being sooo patience wif me all this tyme... really appriciate it....Labels: Forgive me
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:01:00 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A smile and laughter shown on my face...
Hell yeah!!!It was totally fake...Baik kn...haha
Best isn it??Left me alone and stuff...
Bt juz got something i wanna say....
Btw to my sygz sowie ye if me not wif eu galz diz few weekz...I have my own reasonz y.sooo don ask...Plz n thx lotzz....
Been practising running for the cross country run wif aida,hidayah nn fieyana juz now...haha...blm lari 1 round da pancet ape jek safiah ni...haha nonsense siool....After 4 rounds of running onthe stadium treck..i was lyke half dead...My god!!!so tiring...i have 2 sux in running...haha...N now lyke no more energy left in my body...haha...nonsense lagy si safiah ni...
klah...if i got mood ill update soon aite....chao!!! =)
Labels: nyte nyte
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:43:00 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009

It seems this morning was making me not in any mood 2 talk,smile or even become a cheerful person...Bt i try my best 2 show all of the above...Nn yeah...Keep on ignoring me...Im soooooooo lyke it...NOT!!!!!!!!!!Thx alot btw uh!!!!Sick n tired of me??Juz say it then we have our own freedom la!!!
I don care anymore la!!!!

At last....School finished!!!!!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
After waiting fer Aida N Mark 2 mit us(me n Hidayah) fer soo long....
we Straight away go 2 Bedok resevoir nn ready 2 train fer cross country...
After running(well im walking acctually) fer 1 whole round,we went 2 thw jetty over there...
N took some picz(Above)....Haha...Thats wen the laughter,smiling n happiness begins....haha
thx krg2...fer making me smile again...haha.... :)
Labels: whatever la kay
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:00:00 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Its been awhile eu have not contact me...Eu seem don care anymore...Now we were lyke nobody to one another...We were sooo happy n alwayz together no matter what back den...I noe ur N level gonna come soon...I understand bout that...Bt at least spend tyme wif me 4 awhile...I juz wanna be wif eu alone...
untukku lepaskn rinduku padamu...
At last..My homeworks are done...i've been doing it fer 5 hrs...MY GOD!!!!! This all due to my concentration...I cant seem to concentrate on everything i done...

I wanna thx Nafisah 4 helping me wif my blog...I was blur lyke a sotong about how 2 change everything in here....
Thx yaw Nafisah!!!! =) U'r the best!!!!!!!!
Really appreciate it lotzz!!!!
Labels: Let me be with you
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:23:00 PM