Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Yo ho!!!
Fuhh!!today was damn tiring but... i had alot of fun!!!!haha hell yeah!!! we(aida,hidayah 1n2,mark irrawanshah and me)celebrated Mark Samuel n Saiyidah Nafisah birthday in advance at Pasir Ris Park...
Actually the 1st 3 galz to reach there were me,aida n fatehah..
den we all waited for the prince,princess and also
the followers to reach at the destination...
it was lyke waiting for a star fall from the sky... soo slow man!!! haha..
About half an hour past,at last they came...
i was lyke panicking due to the stupid mistake i've done to the cake..
hee sowie guyz but still it end up with laughter..
After the blowing of candles...
jeng jeng jeng...
its tyme for sabo-ing!!!
ahaha!!!First one 2 get sabo was Nafisah...
She was being thrown into the sea...
but unfortunately,she was ony half wet...
haha..but thats ok..
Then its Mark Samuel turn..haha....
Thx to Mark Irrawanshah for throwing coke at hym...
After running after hym for quite some tyme,i gave up..
Now the fav part of the celebration...
the prince n princess of the day got their very on make over...
this part thay cant run...
they must stay one place where we all makeover their faces
with the birthday cake...
haha..cool la sia!!!
Their faces were sooo damn "interesting" haha...
After that...guess what...
Its picture tyme...haha...
We took alot of picz...haha As u can see below...
Saiyidah Nafisah
Mark Samuel N NafisahDen its tyme for us to go our seperate waysSooo we took bus Go Pasir Ris inter..Den off home sweet home...B4 i go..its tyme for "couple of the month"..haha..N that is Maggie N Beylo!!!hahahere are the picz..
The Couple
Mark n Aida
Don get mad kay u guyz..joking je kay...
=D wee~Labels: Fantastic N Impressive
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:45:00 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"To my dearest syster lurp Zaza*
~Happy 15 Birthday~
"May all ur wishes come true"
Didn't know that nightmares could really turned into reality
all the bad dreamz that i hope not to come true
really are coming true
It was lyke yesterday i dream and today things are really happening
wow!!im totally shock to the hell out of me!!!
after hearing what was told
i cant neither to hate nor to love back
even this was meant to be a goodbye
all i have to do is juz 2 endure it
So that u will lead a happier lyfe
with ur love ones
But wen i think bout it again...
all i had done all this while
was juz a waste of tyme
the care,concern and knowing each other for soo long
were totally meaningless,weren't it
stop acting coz everthing is
clearly shown now aite
i don want to do this but
the limit were already overflow
its no use 2 confront
it not coz of scare or wad so ever shyt
itz coz i noe u will never admit that u were wrong
so its better not talk about it ryte
Labels: goodbyez
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:49:00 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
being sabo Happy Birthday Huda!!!
May all ur wishes come true..._____________________________________________________________
Well today i went to East Coast park wif my sister lurp,Zaza, to celebrate her birthday tomorrow... haha... She also brought her other sister lurp along.. which are Siti n Ella... And soo we went there by cab... Reach there around 1.30pm dent find place 2 sit and eat... Hungry liao havent eat since morning...haha sooo they
plan 2 enjoy the sea and left me alone at the shore... haha..soo sad ryte but its ok 4 me... den came Zafi and Fizi... So we talk2 and walk along the beach... i dont know y suddenly im not feeling well sooo i plan 2 go home.. And also the two of the boyz... soo we headed home together since we stay at bedok... =D
eela,zaza,siti,me zaza n me zaza,siti ,me

~ Safiah ~ @ 9:37:00 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
This morning i plan 2 go Mc n eat 1st with my dearest syg,Aida, before going 2 bedok stadium..
Tibe-tibe teringin nk mkn harshbrown..haha kekek sak
But it soo sad dat i have 2 canceled it due 2 the tyme left 4 us 2 go there
Jyeah!!We went 2 the stadium by bike...
Aida was standing while i was the 1 hu cycle all the way 2 the stadium...
As i love 2 drift,sooo yeah i drift till we reached the stadium...
haha..it was fun...
Well im not going 2 talk about the sports day as it was sooo bored...
haizz =(
After the sports day, Aida,Fatehah,Nafisah,Shakthi n i
were invited to celebrate one of my syg birthday in advance but...jeng3
not gonna tell wad happen..
the one hu is over there ony noe wat happen...
soooooooooo fustrating sia!!!!
Gd luck ar wif ur lyfe...
im not gonna neither disturb u anymore nor hang out wif ya again...
I think today is gonna be the last tyme i talked to u...
sooo TC ar kay!!!Labels: Madness n Moodless
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:41:00 PM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
its been a long tyme since i have not blog
i've been bz all along...
Febuary & March had past...
My god!!Soo fast sey...
B4 i forget something,its better for me to let it out here...haha
On 28 Febuary 2009,Aida had plan on going out 2 celebrate my bday in advance
due 2 the up coming common test on March...
so yeah..she plan on going 2 Sentosa...Bt we had 2 cancled it due 2 some reasons..
haha..so sad but it still end up
wif laughter~~yeah!!

And soo 1 month had past...
Hell yeah!! i already turned 15...
on that day itself was my first paper for common test..
bad luck ryte...
after the paper,some of my frenz gave me presents...
they r the bez...
Then i was thinking about opening the presents infront of my sayangz but
its a disappointment that two of them had 2 go 1st due 2 their very own reasons...
haizz...Ill juz save my tears till its night fall for that...
then Aida,Nafisah, Fatehah & i wen off to Pasir Ris Beach..
We had lotzzz of fun there...wee~ =D
After many hrs of taking pics,
we're off n home sweet home...
Den on March 12 wen to Jordan bday party at Pasir Ris Chalet...
Hell yeah,it was fun..
I went there wif 1 of my sygz which is Aida..
We get the info on the day itself
From the bday boy,Jordan...
So yeah,I n Aida went home n got change
Den off 2 Whitesand 2 find presents for hym...
Minutes pass,at last we got some presents 4 hym..
Den we off to the chalet...
We reached there around 7+pm almost 8pm...
We were shock that only we 2 were galz the rest were boyz...
Soo we juz sit there feeling uncomfortable n talked among ourselves..
After along moment of silence,its tyme 2 cut cake.
Jyeah!!! we took pics of it 2..Bt its a disappointment that th rest of
the pics r gone...
Enough talking bout the past..
Now it April...
Yesterday was April foolls day...
haha its a shame that i fall for the trick from a sec 2 gal..
After a long dayof training on speech day rehesal
accompany Aida 2 buy her mom's present at TM
Den im off 2 mit my parents at Bedok interchange n go mkn wif dem at Mc...
Den off home sweet home...
And today my day was as usual...
Not so bad n not so good...
But im soo upset with some of the probs dat i had 2 face with...haizz :(
Since u wan it dat way soo be it...
i have no ryte 2 judge ur decision since im no longer sombody 2 u
i hope u have a happy lyfe wif ur new favourites aite...
no matter wad u r still somebody 2 me...
Well its almost 11.30pm...
I wanna watch ToraDora! on #OKTO hahaa
Its gonna be romantik plus sadness plus happiness and its all eaqual to a feeling called LOVE..
tc peepx wee~
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:01:00 PM