even wen we apartmy heart still missing you now and deni noe we won be together again lyke last tyme or lyke how we first noe each otherim still here loving u lyke how i use tooand start missing you lyke after 5 mins of meetinglooking at our pics made me cry for hours in my roomthe pics of US and YOU that i kept in my drawerwill remain as memoriesi won delete nor throw it awayi noe u won regret having a bad galfy lyke meremember thisim still here loving you for now and then
ok well i slept at 4am and a sudden woke up at 6am den sleep again wake up at 8+am took shower get ready to go to Aida's house for helping den wen home coz i forgot her present plus i have to fetch Fatehah at busstop soo came to aida house again at 1++pm slack3 until nyte den lppk wif Musfirah Mas and Sufyan till 9pm under my block jiwanging haha..fun u noe and today sad part for me was i lost my fav necklace...sob3 coz it has my name on it haizz...i feel lyke crying but i cant...
See the pic above i kind of lyke it coz our name start wif the same letter plus it sound kinda same Sofyan Safiah Sufyan cool ryte triple S haha
guess till here my post.. more pic are in my picture folder as im lazy to upload here =) bye bye
ive been quite down today but i act lyke as if im ok singing out loud wif aunt at my house was fun but certain songs i hate it coz its jiwang and make me wanna cry
i had noo freaking mood to do stuff now haizz... Biee i need you.. haha as if u will help me haizz juz forget it
May all ur wishes come.. somone aru jejak 15 ehk..pelan2 kayuh ye...haha --------------------------------------------------------------------- it took me a long tyme to sent that thing i don have the heart though but i have to i think a good thing 4 both of us if thats hurt you well it hurt me even more then u can imagine hope u find better then me
im on my own now i have to move on i gotta be strong
hey peepz it been a long ride for me yesterday n today err ya i was soo stress up wif my relationship thingy soo i decided to take a ride along the reservoir haha.. the wind yesterday was totally awesome i cycled alone from 1++pm till 4++pm den meet up wif aida at the platform we have wad we been craving cheese fries haha yummmy den i sent aida home
the pic were taken juz now
today cycle again but thiz tyme im not alone coz.. zaza brought her boyfy along and hys frenz haha.. so me zaza,alifie,dino,alep,nana cycle to masjid to see kambing haha obviously the boyz carries the galz there.. while the rest help out wif somthing i go fetch aida at mac donald after they all help out we went to bedok resevoir park 2gether i was soo bastard ask aida to tompang Alep haha... funny u noe..lastest couple of the day haha... den slack there till 7++ haha.. yeah its fun to hang out wif new ppl.. hope 2 hang out wif u guyz again
currently baking cakes for uncles and grands yeah..
b4 i forgot eh boy.. lek sua aku sombong ngan kau ape kau ingat stakat word "LAME" kau kate aku sombong n aku budak YP,aku pethetic kay ar aku aru bdk YP n aku pethetic susah kan kau ehk ade aku mintak duit pat kau merayu2. eh boy plz la... ade aku meranekn hidop kau ade aku ganggu kau selame ny boy sape cari sape sak kau ke aku lek suar aku budak wild?? plz la ehk.. aku lpk pn skali skale.. salah per jumpe member lame?? boy kau pn lpk ngan bdk2 kau per jangan banyak bunyi ar kau nk ikot hidop kau ikot ar aku kasi advice jer sak kau tknk dgr kau peh psl ar kau kate aku bdk wild n dump kan i show u 1 kay NK CKP ORG CERMEN DIRI DULU KLO KAU SEMPURNA 100% TK PERNAH UAT ANY MISTAKE IN UR FREAKING LYfE ARU BOBAL AR BOY KAU PN PERNAH LAA... JGN NK STEP MANE NYE CHANGE WHERELSE U STILL HAVE THE FUCKING ATTITUDE KLO KAU RASE JALAN KAU CUKUP HEBAT DEN GO AHEAD AKU TK HALANG KAU NK TERJUN KE NK MATI KE KAU PEH PSL AKU KN SAPE BUDAK YP BUDAK MENTAH DON COME TO ME FOR ADVICES OR WAD SOO EVER SHIT!!!! GO HELL AITE!!HAVE A NICE TRIP THERE
HEY PEOPLE IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!! haha.. miss me?? hmm im sure u not soo sad ):
Camp was soo much fun ill regret if i didnt come tot it gonna be lyke hell but i was wrong it was sooo much fun
Day 1:
meet aida under my blog
together take bus 2 bussed to changi jetty
reached jetty wait for others to come
took ferry at 2++
reach Pulau Ubin took van to the place
fall in and do breifing
night fall sleep
didnt do anything much actually. Im in group 1 soo my group joined group wif group 2 and we named our group colour coz to link it wif the theme of our camp. the bad part was AIDA me Khairiani and some other people bags were full of ants.. but Aida's bag worst it was hell kena bite everywhere luckily some ma am help us out
Day 2:
Morning PT
activities again
preparation for camp fire
Camp fire
lights out
the morning pt was ok for the second day. the activities was fun. first activities was sort of flying fox but not,actually i forgot the name..hehe second activity was sort of crawling under the ground to take ball den off to proceed to out lunch tyme after that our next activities jetty jump and donnoe another one..hehe forgot
my group really had a hard tyme discussing about skid for camp fire well as i can say was that good job COLOURS for bringing soo much idea for our show that nyte much appriciated.
TO our beloved sirs: SIR KHAIRUL AND SIR FARIZ thankz to u 2 for making the camp fun and share ur ideas wif us
after camp fire not a proper one coz raining briefing and wash up den sleep
Day 3:
morning PT again
area cleaning
farewell to evrybody
home sweet home
third day PT was a bad idea for me coz personal reason after dat had breakfast and do area cleaning before we are allowed to go home soo that mean a final good bye to GROUP 1 n 2 sad sey. im gonna miss you guys you've been a good team to work wif me you make thiz camp a memorable camp for me THANKIEUU SOO MUCH!!!!
Reached Singapore,guess wad im craving for?? if u guess burgers, den u absolutely ryte haha... ive been planning to buy Mega Mac Spicy get ready to get fat again after losing at least 0.5kg haha.. till here..im still tired even though i already had some sleep
heeeeeeeeeeyyyylllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pepos well as u can see im bored to the max ryte now!! ive been eating alot since yesterday nyte OMFG!! must be gaining weight!! im becoming fat soon ergh!! yesterday ate mega mc spicy + spicy snack wrap + fries + med milo + a bite of double cheese burger den at home at rice again tell me how m i not gonna be fat?? den today eat rice lyke a mountain den sleep den kept on chewing junk food and i just finished my barbecue chicken haha...lots of fat in my body already.. haha haiyoo
chatting wif sofyan sir yesterday was fun hehe.. talk from 11+pm till 1++am haha
ill be not blogging on the 20 and 21 22 maybe =) ill be going camp at pulau ubin tomorrow soo ppl do take care of urself ill be missing u all... hehe well till here aite
err... im sooo pissed they started it and im the ferking one get the blame.. perkk sak!!! THINK WAD FUNFAIR PE.. CB KAU START DULU AKU BALAS AR SIA BEH KAU TUDOH AKU WAHH BEZ PER!!! DA LAH EHK PRANGAI SOOO THE TK PERLUU!!!! KNNBCCB!!! ------------------------------------- soo ya i bought all the stuff for my camp and im soo the lazy to go but still i have too
guess today short post coz blardy hell no freaking mood thx 2 ppl out there.. err
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:04:00 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
see the gorgeous lady up there... thats Ayumi Hamasaki Gosh she a singer.. she HOT man.. one of my fav song sing by her is DEAREST
lyke i said.. bad things can happen in one go while u having fun tymes. somtymes i don understand ppl at all.. haizz skip skip skip
my day today was ok go DNT den saw sygzz hang out wif dem for a while den home den out again wif mom
now back at home blogging bored ferk up haizz... well thats i don noe..
till here
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:12:00 PM
Monday, November 16, 2009
just as i expected.. lurve won meet up today ya i understand he is a "BZ MAN" haizz...y muz i bother ehk?? well yar im not in the mood but im acting that i have the mood to do all the stuff arghh.. skip skip skip
well today i have 2 event in one go 1st i had DNT 2nd i had NPCC
soo reach skool at 8++am i noe i already late but guess wad pinkie(Mr Gan) was even late then me.. err... ya while waiting played Daidi wif Eddie,Aqil and Irfan.. Amelia ony help me =) as usual i kept on losing haha..
den pinkie reach soo start our lesson Amelia and i was totally blur about the google sketch up haha.. but we skip a few mins for our CCA den back to DNT
finish DNT had NP and yeah.. we had lotz and lotz of fun.. thats all for today..
this vid were taken juz now... now i have to brainwash about todays training err tom also got skool for DNT till here byezz
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:47:00 PM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
today ill be rotting at home nyayayaya im bored.... yesterday was fun den at nyte inuyasha lurve suddenly msg me my heart was lyke beating damn fast and my whole body shaking err.. donnoe y suddenly lyke dat he wanna meet up today but sadly i cant maybe tomorrow IF YOU CAN my dear boyfy kay skip3
well..i cant watch inuyasha the final act coz of somthing i miss it soo much haizz.... till here i gues... tataz
yeah soo as i promise i wen out wif fam to stadium to watch soccer match Singapore Vs Thailand they score 1-3
it was my first tyme there soo kinda excited naseb tk tujok kejakunnan aku but still im not soccer freak hehe soo yeah walk around to find ticket at last found it enter the stadium MAK KAU!!! u can see hem hem around u i was lyke my god!!!! cool or wad sia wen the match has started somthing happen to me me suddenly became a huge fan of soccer i was lyke wad?? haha.. ppl there soo the kecoh quite numbers of uncles keep on shouting loudly and i kept on laughing haha even the mat2 also show their "surpport" haha... i kept on laughing and laughing non stop.. it was a great i said to my dad next tyme wen theres a match we go again kay i said to mom its not bcoz of the match haha...
not in a good mood ryte now been thinking alot lately and also tears kept on falling down should just make the first move or wait till next year after the prob i don noe.. i cant take it nymore but still even if i hurt hym im hurting my self 2.. i don have to heart 2 do all the stuff but the way he treating me lyke hys nobody.. y oh y half of my hart say just do it the other half say be cool wif it its been on my mind long tyme ago
"seandainya dikau tidak lagy perlukan ku dalm hidupmu katakan sahaja ku rela diputus oleh mu jika itu yg akan membuatmu rasa bahagia sudah lama ku pendam rasa sakit hatiku ini namun ku tetap sabar ku ingin kite kembali seperti dahulu
telah ku mula langkah pertama tetapi aku tidak nampak apa bezaan pn jika diri mu sudah tidak sayang ku lagy lafazkan la perkataan yg tk inign ku dgr dan aku rela seandainya itu membuatmu bahagia"
hello people... today went out to aunt house at sengkang and i met new fren hehe talk walk hang out and compass point den fetch cousin from school went our separate wayz =) it was fun..
and now i had freaking headach err...hurt siaaaa ppl keep on forcing me take medicine but im soo stubborn err..maybe later or maybe not at all hehe
till here.. my head feels lyke gonna burtst soon... err
heard that Fatehah came back home from her vacation Welcome back my fren ouh.. juz to inform u guyz that Aida plan to go out one day we re heading to Marina hope u all can go wif her as for me i try my best to follow coz u noe i kena grounded hope u galz understand =)
currently chatting wif sotong and slow heh..maggie not on9 soo ya she's missing hehe
my lyfe been better everyday i guess *thinking* haha..well sort of i guess *thinking* my daily routine was as usual but now i can watch anime coz got somthing wrong wif the website but ill get to it soon if it ok once again
till here then i keep on craving for burgers... my god!!! gonna be fatt soon.. haizz... byez~
hello yey my boyfren is back hope this tyme round he doesnt make any trouble or else i have to sent hym again for repairment
ntg much about today actually... im bored people give songs that are loud!!! maybe i need to ride my bike again to release stress.. haha
ouh ya today somone bday!! Happy Bday once again!!!! U noe hu u are!!!!
currenlt chattng wif Maggie Sotong and Sarcastic Had lotz of fun haha... toodles~
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:00:00 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009
hey hey i got back "my" guitar(yesterday) not myne actually...uncle's well still learning but i still need somone to teach me... hmm...well.. my holidayz are sooooooooooooooooooooooo daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnnnnn bbbbbooooooooorrrreeeeeddd tttttttttttoooooooooooooooo ttttthhhhhhheeeeee mmmmaaaaaaaxxx!!!!!!
i keep on doing my "usual routine" till it makes me feel really really bored i wanna go out but sadly im grounded plus im broke.. err....need $$$
man..i just wish to get the fonn.. err.. bye now...
hey hey readers. i think im gonna be sick soon... 1st think in the morning my body temp was super hot yet i feel soo cold till now i elt soo cold.. i have a bad cough,headache and stomach ache sick soon i guess.. hmm..
currently searching songs which are totally loud!!! heh...nk tipu tk agak2... no la i was doing my "usual routine" i want songs that are super loud that could make my ears hurt i wanna let go all my stupid thinking and all err.. doesnt matter wad song as long as its nice to hear and loud!!!
*yaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnnnnn* okok..heyoo peepz.. im sleepy now but cant sleep and here blogging... so today get collect my report book breakfast wif sygzz canceled.. heh... had Aida waited for lyke soo long that wen we otp soo took bus 38 and bussed to school after gather all sygzz we headed to EP heh..Aida hensem?? haha...somone said wrongly... thx to her we got aida new name... haha.. L are u two.. Fat n me were lyke wad?? haha.. okok skip3
Fatehah & Nafisah didnt tahh along to PR but Mas and Muz were their replacement heh.. cool ryte soo headed to PRP slack3 till 3++ den home sweet home..
at home switch on com and do my "usual routine" hehe..wad else if not watching anime.. haha... kay2.. im otta words.. byez now!!
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:42:00 PM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
hmmm just read Amelia blog well..wad she wrote kinda true.. the fun we had in 3N1 will be missed the jokers and all.. will be totally missed. AMELIA I MISS YOU LAA WEI... c u tmr kay2.. my crazypartner..hehex just wish that next year will be memorable year just lyke this year ^.^
well today i didnt get to hold on this com that much coz DADDY was using it.. hmm..but its ok now coz im usong it..hehe im out of words.. byez
~ Safiah ~ @ 11:20:00 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
hello readers well today i just rot at home doing ntg well just stare at both computer screen ans also tv screen as day goes by it becoming more n more boring to me well i cant go out wif frenz anymore since im grouded err... Aida's bday is around the corner yet i have not buy her present and also Fatehah's haizz... i just wished Fatehah im sowie Fatehah im broke now... hmm
and peepz don ask anything bout my relationship well...we'reok but not contacting each other for quite long tyme inmuyasha lurve i don noe wad u thinking of me m i ur girlfren or fren or enemy or stranger or non all this above haizz.. is it wrong for u to contact me at least once in a while don u noe i missed u? i love you yet i hate you and somehow u are soo important in my lyfe plz at least msg me if u cant call me i missed you dont u noe that? haizz wad to do im just no one to you ryte?
well im off now.. gonna continue watching Shakugan No Shana
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:58:00 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
See this boy above... my WC fren Happy Belated Bday Fir May all ur wishes come true His bday was yesterday thx eh kau tkr num tk ilg aku...
soo yesterday had NP at PRPS guess wad.. me n aida was soo Fucked up coz bus 5 leave us without stopping and that tyme we were late 4 np err..how kind of that bus driver we had no choice but to take cab luckily reach school on tyme den bussed to PRPS we learn to dance great isnt it den bla3.. after that Me Aida and the other fren slack at the beach AND GUESS WAD.. THAT NYTE WAS FULL MOON!!! i was sooo dam happy about that nyte we slack till 9pm then took bus 17 home sweet home
then at nyte otp wif somone.. haha..u back to normal heh im glad u urself back and also i appreciate to wad ive done 4 u ^.^
soo today wen out wif fam again to tamp buy somthing den headed to bedok corner to eat i ate roti john yummm heh ^.^ den bussed home soo now blogging bye now wanna watch anime... shakugan no shana
~ Safiah ~ @ 8:23:00 PM
Sunday, November 1, 2009
hey hey hey just came back from mkn2 at Han river wif fam heh...my treat.. good gal m i ... total was $91++ cool eh... treat my fam celebrate moms belated bday since she wanna eat stemboat soo i decided to blanja her that *smile smile*
ouh ya... since yesterday i wanna that Sony Ericsson phone cool la sia... but sadly it cost for about $1000 great isnt it where do i get the money sia.. haizz.. jus have to wait for 2 years till i can get new phone... well gtg now.. wanna watch anime on youtube.. Shakugan No Shana bye peepz
Safiah Babyyasha Create Your Badge Too hurt in life. Nothing else matters. Happiness be felt only for awhile. Broken Bitch is what i am now. Nuff said.