Wednesday, February 3, 2010
kay im super hyper plus talkative today
haha..i donnoe y. it all start during CME as the teacher didnt came and we have FREE PERIOD!!!!
haha..took daaaaamn lotzzz of pictures...haha it was fun taking with that someone =)
yeah...nah we're just frenz don get the wrong idea aite...
gosh!!! im soo lyke today.

soo yeah after remedial while waiting for aida
watch Darryl play basket ball with Alvin(NCDCC) all that..haha
ok fun laa..haha all siow2 one..
saw Aida and we off to EP..haha
meet up with her fren den im off meeting my mom..
i share every single thing that happen today and a heart to heart talk...
haha..its cool ya soo gonna mark this date 030210
i love the date!!! =)
Labels: i love today
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:04:00 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
everything became soo not right gosh..i was enjoying watch One piece episode 8then suddenly the internet broke downcool huh? err kay i pissed soo suddenly soo gonna go to school tomorrow as today i gave school a missed coz too lazy to go i guess..but still im spending my whole lot 4 hours studying my catch up on things which i don understand n forget the method..yeah im being a good gal today.fro 11am till 3pm++ doing it..and then the rest of the tyme till now or later ill be spending my tyme on my love and here i am..hehe..don get the love thing seriously coz i was talking bout my compter.=)but since my internet change my mood i decided to blog and let out wad i feel so suddenly.ok here goes..kay i donnoe where to start here trying hard not to cry and yeah i cry..err..i too weak to face all this.
maybe its true from the start i should juz forget hym ryte?no use waiting as it will turn out the other way around. im tired of all this.ive known that something not ryte for the past few dayssoo yeah now i think i should be moving on and foregt bout everythingi noe memories wont fade but ill try to forget everythingi guess ill stop here fer this post. =)
crying off to bed again i guess..
Labels: too much to forget
~ Safiah ~ @ 9:14:00 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010
now is February.. it was WOW soo fast man!!!
haha..and tmr will be another 1 month to go..hahaxx..
i hope u guyz noe aite..haha
cant wait!!!
school have been soo stress for me..
math remedial was suckz today as i forgot all sec 3 formula
err..and i yeah i addicted to korean songz until i switch on during math remedial
i kept on singing bad girl by beast..haha
angela join in and we sing together..
it was fun..=)
den after school slack wif nafisah n aida at pasor ris beach as usual..
casual talks...
Nafisah remember the bet aite!!!
ill be waiting!!! muaahahahhaha
klah ive still have not done my malay
plus mom read it and she say ur language for malay was "power" can get an A
haha..but it was in sarcastic way.haha
don do anything stupid..u guyz my frenz...
i don wanna lose u guyz...plzzzz
~ Safiah ~ @ 10:35:00 PM